Thursday, July 7, 2011

Choice Book Review Podcast

This is a link for the podcast that I created for my choice book review. I chose to read the book It's Elementary! Integrating Technology in the Primary Grades by Boni Hamilton. It was a fabulous book! If you don't have time to listen to my podcast, I highly suggest reading this book, whether you are an elementary teacher or not!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chapter 11

  Throughout Technopoly, Postman describes what I believe to be a gloom and doom scenario of how technology is taking over.  In this final chapter I felt like it skipped around and tied together the loose ends at the last few pages.  On pages 194 and 195 he describes teaching subjects as interdisciplinary, which after reading Prensky's articles would not only be addressing the learning styles of the d-generation as well as delve deeper into the subject areas.
   By making our students aware of the technological changes going on around them, they will be better suited to purse a God-centered path in society.This book definitely made me realize that we should be determined to teach our students about what is taking place in society so that they are well informed as well as well rounded. I agree with the statement, "It helps students to reflect on the sense and truth of what they are writing and of what they are asked to read." (page 195, paragraph 2)  This discernment will help them not only as they progress in school, but also in their everyday lives.  What do you think would be the best approach to teach them these skills?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 reminded me directly of the focus of one of the units we cover in my class.  The general idea is "Dollars and Sense."  We cover it in Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies.  Throughout this unit we discuss advertising and what is appropriate and how we should be looking at the world view through Christian eyes.  As Postman describes the different areas of our society that overuse and "mute" the different symbols, it reminded me how even I am able to forget how important some of those symbols truly are.
  As the chapter addressed the "great symbol drain" I was definitely struck by the paragraph on page 178, paragraph 2, where he states (after describing that Christian educators have a goal of showing that learning is done for the greater glory of God), "Whether or not such a purpose can be achieved in Technopoly is questionable...."  This statement definitely caused me to think about technology and how much of a role player it will be in the lives of my students and children.  It impressed on me that it is my responsibility to assure that this purpose is not questionable, but achievable.  How do you think we as educators can impress on our children the importance of looking at society and technology with a discerning eye?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Chapter 9

            Scientism.  I never thought of this word as being a part of the "technopoly" society, but  I can easily see why science has its own technological advances.  Now, with that being said, as a Christian teacher I definitely had some strong feelings as I read this chapter.  I feel that science is an important topic for my students, and own children for that matter, because it allows them to hypothesize, question, and research new and old ideas.  On the other hand, I do not feel that science should be the be all, end all.  In this chapter, I felt that science had to be the basis for everything with technology, including God.  That is where my faith come into play.  I think there needs to be a balance between knowing that God made the Heavens and the Earth and is our moral authority, as well as an understanding for how electricity powers machines. 
               This chapter also made me think about how my classroom runs, and the behaviors of the students that enter through my door.  On page 151, paragraph 2, there is discussion about Stanley Milgram and his work titled Obedience to Authority.  This was a good reminder that the example I am setting for my students and  I what I expect of them in and out of the classroom is unbelievably important.  I am either setting them up for success or failure, both academically, spiritually, and emotionally.  I feel as though there are definitely things that I can tweak in order to better exemplify a God-honoring teacher at all times and areas that I can work on.  Does this trigger any ideas for you?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chapter 8

There were two areas that popped out at me in this chapter, the first being the statement: Questions, then, are like computers or television or stehoscopes.....they are mechanisms that give direction to our thoughts, generate new ideas...... (This statement comes from the 1st sentence in paragraph 2 of Technopoly.)  While reading this I realized why I should continue to question my students throughout our time together in all subject areas.  Questioning brings out a higher level of thinking, no matter what topic we are discussing.  I definitely never considered them to be a type of technology, but now I can see how it is causing my students to grow in their knowledge and thought process.

The second are that I was drawn to was how  statistics are used in the "measurement" of intelligence (p. 130, paragraph 2, Technopoly)  I am seeing many schools leading themselves towards cluster grouping of their students.  How do they do this?  Greatly used the standardized scores and test that are given throughout the year.  I am sure that some of the teacher's opinion goes into this placement as well, but these scores weigh heavily.  Do not get me wrong, I believe that as a teacher I should be teaching to all levels within my classroom and differentiating material as needed, but I question if the clustering of students is the right way to go?  Do you think that this gives the students a label, just like the IQ or SAT score, that the student is not associated with?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 7

I found this chapter interesting in the fact that although Technopoly was published in 1992, it still covers the idea of "blaming" a computer for problems. (page 115-116) I can relate, because several times this year I found myself wanting to place the blame on the internet.  I couldn't send my newsletter, had issues viewing e-mails, or having report cards sent, which led me to be ready to do everything by hand!  I must say it is easier to say that "due to a computer malfunction," than take responsibility for the issue at hand.

 Dr. Clay Forishee is quoted on page 121, paragraph 2 as saying, "If we have human operators subordinated to technology then we're going to lose creativity (in emergencies)."  Dr. Forishee was referring to flying aircraft, but I believe this statement directly applies to teachers as well.  As a teacher, I have the responsibility to continue furthering my education to make sure that technology does not overtake what I am responsible for.  It is our job to prepare the next generation for the real world, and if we are not able to respond creatively to the differing needs of students (which we know can be deep and wide) the technology will not do us a favor at all.

The closing thought in chapter 7 brought us back to the medical ideal, that "doctors have lost skill in making diagnoses based on observation" (page 122).  What do you feel we can do in our classrooms to ensure we are not losing our basic teaching tools and creativity while embracing technology?

Chapter 6

  This chapter made me realize that, in my opinion, technology in education is moving in the same direction as technology in medicine did.  On page 98 Postman states, doctors would lose their ability to lose their ability to conduct skillful examinations and rely more on machinery than on their own experience and insight.  For me, I feel like this is a trap I am personally trying not to fall into.  Our school has taken on numerous technological means of assessing our students.  A computerized test here, there, and everywhere is what I am essentially giving.  I am trying to find a balance between utilizing all of these results, with the anecdotal assessments I have used for so many years.  I want to make sure that the personal knowledge I gain from my everyday experiences should be more useful than the technology being used.  Do you find that you are becoming overwhelmed by the tools you are being given to use, where we are at risk of becoming, like the doctors, more distanced from your students?